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Rachel White

Rachel White Collings
- M.R.M. (Resource & Environmental Management, SFU)

BSC Honours Geography, University of Victoria


Rachel grew up in North Vancouver and loves the mountains, the ocean, and of course, the rain. Before starting a Masters at REM, she worked as a Program Coordinator for children and youth programs, a GIS Technician, a Naturalist, a Forest Technician with the Ministry of Forests doing projects on Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification and Old Growth Dynamics, and a Watershed Roundtable researcher with the Sliammon First Nation.

Rachel’s research at REM was a component of a riparian restoration project in Haida Gwaii entitled, “Yahgudang: a respectful act. Restoring the land and honouring the history of Tllga kun Gwaayaay (Lyell Island).” Her thesis is entitled "Riparian Restoration on Lyell Island, Haida Gwaii: Understory vegetation and canopy light". It involved looking at the effects of riparian restoration on the understory light and plant community on Lyell Island in Haida Gwaii. But don’t think that Rachel will ever be a specialist! She will always be finding ways to integrate her diverse interests including terrestrial and marine ecology, sustainable community planning, environmental education, and conflict resolution, among others.